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Hello world!.

Hello, Happy hella snow everywhere on a Saturday, day.

My name is Marc and I have horrible grammar, so pardon my many structural mistakes when it comes to sentence building.

I am an artist from New York City, on a constant grind of actual grown up work as a freelancer, and keeping my art alive. Its a delicate balance to say the least. These two small, but important factors of my life, keep my days full of the unexpected and the absurd. In other words, there is never a dull moment.

I used to wish for them you know, dull moments. These days its all about the ride. Take it as it comes. New York is different. My Gotham is somehow brighter. I still love her madly mind you. Its just the kind of love where she keeps going out with that lame guy, and you have to watch it because they frequent all of your normal spots. You hate that bitch, but as soon as she breathes near you and speaks soft, you are hers. Thats the way I feel about my city right now.

Its a rough feeling, and what we create by collaborating this way will be very raw.

As it stands today, I have recently completed a few set goals that will line my year in the direction that I would like to go by 2017. The first objective was to get some airplay, circulation of the music. Instead of hammering the pavement and exhausting myself with shows and promotion, I put the same energy and money into actually getting into ears. Blog submissions, interviews. Everything.

The second objective was to record an albums worth of material to release in the first quarter of this year. Along with two singles and one music video, to help promo the album. We shot the video on some DIY, smartphone, ill video editor app. With a catchy song and some classic NYC footage. The album just came to me, I wish I could say that I put all this pondering into the subject matter, but I didnt. I wrote what my days were and kept it moving. It will be released on 10/10/16. The video and a stream/free download of the album and the single are floating around my site.

The third objective was to get healthy again. Get back into the habits that got me healthy in the first place. This last one of course is a daily operation forever, if you want to be strong and hard, like my grandfather. I hated and loved him in equal parts, mostly because he was strong and tough as nails. I think the guy lived to 106 years old. Still working his farm. Its crazy and its also a whole other story. I just wanted to say hello, and welcome you to my website. Please feel free to browse, come listen to music, support the movement or just be inspired or inspire.

Hopefully I didnt spell too many things wrong, Ill holler at you all very soon.

Em Aye Are See

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